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A busy start to 2018

Wow and Wow again...I can't believe that I'll be knocking on the door of March in only a few days time. January and February have flown belatedly to those checking in...I hope the New Year has started well for you. So, to the Sewing Room...lots to tell you...:)  

Jane has made this beautiful travel colouring organiser for her Grandson. Two different materials sourced from Leicester Market and IKEA. Love the Dinosaurs :) 

Kay finished this gorgeous quilt made using a Dresden Plates pattern and embroidered on a Brother Innovis V5 with 'to the moon and back', a gift for her partner. She has also made a Cocoon style coat using a lovely boiled wool material - Summer frocks this space! :) 

Wednesday evenings are still an all-Boy attendance...Gabe finished another apron for a friend of his. He is now working on two big bean bags for his children to have as Easter gifts. Ian finished one shirt and is now working on another one for himself, this time with a great orange check material. Tim finished yet another set of curtains and is now working on a Duffel coat for himself...he's chosen a very stylish pattern and fabric to match - can't wait to see it finished :) 

Katie's Mother-in-Law Hilary gave Katie a Gift of Time for Christmas...and the gift was duly spent here  together in the Learn It Stitch It Sewing Room. Katie made a lovely khaki corduroy Pinafore dress using a Tilly & Buttons pattern called 'Chloe' - as you journey down this post you'll see I also made one! :) Hilary made her very first quilted bed topper using a simple but effective layer-cake square pattern with a bound edge. 

No doubt sensing the big freeze heading our way...Sally made herself a Cocoon style you can see, I had also made one so we are a lovely matching pair :) 

Mymona upcycled one of her favourite silk Saris into a dress using an edge pattern for the sleeves and hem. Amazing result :) 

Michelle had some sad news to share with the sad passing of her Grandma. With the funeral coming Michelle had started a dress to wear on the machine her Grandma had given to her, and got it finished in time. A lovely thought. The same machine, a 30 year old Bernina 1130s, also resides here in the Learn It Stitch It Sewing room. Her Grandma chose well, a lovely bequest.

Always one to keep polishing my skills...I attended a Freemotion Raw Edge Applique course run by Hope & Elvis at the Welbeck Estate. Here are some of my was lovely to be a student for a change, reminds me how important teaching style is for learners.  :) 

And my sewing endeavours didn't stop there...I also made myself another coat and a Pinafore dress using the same pattern as Katie - excuse the photo...Spencer was trying desperately to get my attention - and he succeeded!  

Well that's a wrap everyone until next month...I'll also be able to share with you what two more of my new students have been doing; Jackie J and Jackie K. 

Best Wishes

Naomi x

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