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Curtains and more curtains!

This week has been about tricky curtains!  The red ones in the picture were only tricky because they were so big and made of velvet.  As any stitcher will know this requires great care when pressing and it makes them heavy to sew.  These ones are for a church and are very long and very wide!  My shoulders are aching having made them.....

Georgina has had 'fun' making her first blind this week.  The fabric she bought was lovely but even though we followed all the rules, measured twice, cut once, and she stitched them perfectly somehow they were short......

We measured and restitched and I was utterly bamboozled, once again we were short! Only by mm's but on blinds accuracy is everything.  I unpicked it again for her and realised that the fabric was shrinking as we ironed it. I know my steam generating iron is good but really!  Our perfectly cut and square fabric now had dips and curves in it.  I have never seen this before on a fabric.

Needless to say all's well that ends well, the blind was sorted and finished and looks lovely.  Georgina deserved her cardamon and white chocolate cupcake...... this weeks bake.



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