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The Great British Sewing Bee 2019 8E595B5

If you watched this years Great British Sewing Bee on BBC 2 you would of seen what wonderful garments were produced in the up-cycling challenge. That got me thinking about the many up-cycled projects that have been created here in the Learn It Stitch It Studio (of which there are many) using material scraps or old clothes...and here's a quick look at some of them :)

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Using left over material he had, Tim made wine bottle holders for presents to his friends at Christmas...

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Gary made patches to have on his shirts...very cool :)

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Jackie made this smashing looking bag out of an old pair of jeans...

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Bev used up a lot material scraps to make this Tic-Tac-Toe' game...

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Gabe used up some upholstery fabric to make an Ipad stand...(that's also his two bean bag makes in the background...made using some end-of-line fabrics from IKEA)...

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This cushion was made from the shirt of some one's Father that had passed away and given to them as a keepsake...a really lovely idea and well received...


Kay, our resident soft-toy maker, has taken old children's clothing and made them into these very charming Teddy Bears...

Angela made this Ti-pee out of old curtain and duvet cover and a lovely child's dress out of old shirt...

Any scraps are always worth saving for a bit of applique or free-motion embroidery...

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This is one of my favourite up-cycled projects...this lovely child's dress made from left over Liberty linen...a great make by Sue...:)

Here in the Learn It Stitch It Studio we save up all our material scraps and send to them a charity that recycles them as 'grey-waste'. So nothing goes in the bin!

Keep up-cycling, catch up very soon :)

Naomi x

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